Njoftimet e kompanisë Publikuar: Pri 27 2023 05:52

2024 RAM 1500 Full Electric


Publikuar: Pri 27 05:52
Shikime: 75
Marrim Porosi
dorezimi Mars 2024

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The Ram Truck brand introduced its Ram 1500 Revolution Battery-electric Vehicle (BEV) Concept at CES 2023. Ram says it will offer a portfolio of fully electrified solutions, including a Ram 1500 BEV in 2024.

The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features four-wheel steering with up to 15 degrees of articulation and is designed to offer greater vehicle maneuverability while parking at low speed, on tight off-road trails, and increases the vehicle’s steering response at high speeds.

Based on the company’s STLA Frame platform, the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features a body-on-frame design that incorporates the battery pack efficiently. Adjustable air suspension enables three different modes: ingress/egress, aero, off-road.

Building on Ram’s reputation as North America’s off-road and performance truck leader, the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features an integrated fascia design with a skid plate and new pivoting tow hooks that can sit flush.

Innovative features include a new powered frunk with one-touch open-and-close functionality that adds capability and storage. Other powered features, including a powered charge-port door situated on the driver’s side front quarter panel, a powered tailgate, flush-mounted door handles, powered side steps and a powered rear step with active diffuser, round out the list of powered features.

The concept features side-view mirrors that are smaller, more lightweight and use 3D printed materials for optimal aerodynamics and reduced drag. The side-view mirrors use a digital camera to capture the truck’s surroundings, allowing for a smaller physical size.

Recognizable Ram design cues with added capability include a power multifunction tailgate and a larger RamBox. The acute hourglass body design and fender wells clear 35-inch tires with a new unique design. The 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features self-leveling capability and rides on 24-inch wheels with center caps that light up and stay in place.

These new proportions are achieved courtesy of the STLA Frame EV platform on which the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept is built. New intelligent safety systems and smaller, more powerful electric motors afforded the design team the ability to shift the cabin forward and increase cabin length. The 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features a cabin that is four inches longer than today’s production truck for increased room and comfort while the bed length remains the same.

A significantly more spacious interior and greater cabin length are the result of a new architecture while the battery’s size allows for more cargo volume. Ram Track, Ram’s rail attachment/floor track system, provides cabin flexibility for the seats and console, as well as usable tie-downs or other storage potential. Ram Track is also incorporated in the frunk, as well as the bed, allowing for true flexibility from front to back.


Nearly 50 years ago, the club cab was introduced with second-row seating. Half a century later, Ram continues to build on these industry-shaping features with the 1500 BEV Concept ushering in a new feature: third-row jump seats. The powered mid-gate features mounted jump seats with a removable lower section for placement in the bed or outside the vehicle. The mid-gate with powered glass enables a pass-through (and into the frunk) that can fit objects up to 18-ft. long with the tailgate closed.

Seating and console flexibility was a focus with the center console’s ability to be removed for even more space. If desired, the center console armrest individually converts to a workstation surface. Combined with mid-gate and jump-seat options, the 1500 Revolution BEV Concept offers multiple flexible seating configurations. Lightweight seats feature integrated seatbelts, grab handles and speakers with the ability to fold flat along with extended recline, work, conference modes and deploying the jump seats. More interior volume benefits second-row and third-row jump seat passengers.

The “tuning fork” design is present inside the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept, stretching the length of the dashboard and continuing a theme line to the mid-gate. A full touchscreen display comprised of two screens offers up to 28 inches of screen space as the centerpiece of an interior loaded with advanced technology. The lower display has three different positions depending on the task at hand—minimal view, extended view and full screen view—and can be removed and used in different areas of the truck. The upper screen can also slide on the Ram rail attachment system.

Significantly smaller than traditional truck mirrors without compromising effectiveness, the rearview mirror features a range of technologies, including a smart backup camera with 360-degree views, speakers, and receivers compatible with voice assistants, such as Alexa and Siri.

When in reverse, the camera stitches together images from various other cameras around the truck, providing the driver with a 360-degree view on the interior digital screens. This allows the driver to see their surroundings with greater clarity, helping to avoid accidents and improve safety, especially when backing up to a trailer. The mirror also includes a supplementary backup flood lamp that provides additional visibility when reversing the truck, which is especially useful in low light conditions. In addition to the backup camera, the rearview mirror also communicates with biometric cameras that observe the truck's environment as it approaches objects and as it’s being approached.

Digital side-view mirrors and augmented reality (AR) head-up display (HUD) highlight the onboard advanced technology.

Sustainability was a key focus during development of the Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept with unique and resourceful materials seen throughout the interior as a result. Examples include Greyslate Nanostone veneer that is resilient and lightweight and Apple leather, a bi-product from the apple industry that is naturally animal and cruelty free. The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept also features a uniquely textured floor that is composed of recycled rubber and cork particles that enhance durability and functionality.

The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept features all-wheel-drive capability and is powered by two electric drive module (EDMs), which are positioned toward the front and rear of the vehicle, maximizing interior space and enabling the cavernous frunk. Designed to accommodate larger capacity EDMs, the Ram 1500 BEV Concept offers the potential for future high-performance applications.

The Ram 1500 Revolution BEV Concept can add up to 100 miles of range in approximately 10 minutes with 800-volt DC fast charging at up to 350 kW.

As part of the Ram brand’s focus on providing consumers a growing and vast array of leading-edge advanced technology, Ram is also showcasing a new inductive robot charger—Ram Charger—at CES 2023, that will make home charging as easy as possible. It detects the vehicle’s presence and its charging needs, and automatically moves into position and aligns itself under the vehicle. Smart-charge capability will allow charging during off-peak time.

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Përveç makinave, ne kemi gjithashtu një zgjedhje të madhe të pjesëve të këmbimit për të gjitha modelet dhe markat e makinave. Këto pjesë janë të certifikuara dhe të përzgjedhura me kujdes, duke ofruar zgjidhje të besueshme për ata që kërkojnë të riparojnë ose përmirësojnë automjetet e tyre.

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