Publikuar: Nën 12 2015 04:33

Autostereo Alpine TDA 7556R + CD changer Alpine ..


Publikuar: Nën 12 04:33
Shikime: 1
The signal source for my car audio system is an Alpine TDA 7556R cassette receiver which acts a controller for the six disc multichanger, an Alpine CHA 604S. I chose Alpine simply because of the sound quality. People have run Alpine equipment in competition for years and the units just keep on going and out play more expensive and more gadget filled competition. I bought this unit so I won't have to upgrade too quickly.
There's nothing special about the installation, although the Dual Illumination function has allowed me to change the display to a red / orange colour to match the dial lights on the BMW [ see graphic above ]. The headunit is fitted into the standard slot in the front of the BMW which is almost level with the gearstick. This is quite handy when searching through cd's as you can rest your hand and press the [TRACK] button at the same time. [Note: "Of course I wouldn't do such a thing whilst driving along, as it may distract me from the all important driving that I am doing, officer"] I only use the low level RCA outputs from the headunit even though the internal amp puts out 4x35 watts. All of the techie details about the head unit are in the table below.
The RCA cables that connect this unit to the electronic crossover are triple shielded items that run from the rear chassis mounted plugs through to the boot, avoiding as much of the car's existing wiring [ and the power for the amplifiers ] as possible, in order to reduce the possibility of noise entering the signal path.

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