Publikuar: Shk 18 2022 11:19

Looking for experienced video editor

Publikuar: Shk 18 11:19
Shikime: 14

This job will require you to work from home!

We are looking for a Social Video Producer Editor who loves producing video content.

The role includes editing YouTube content for our growing channel. You must be a strong storyteller, who is full of creative ideas, and able to identify and turn around a video by the deadline date. You will must have an understanding of YouTube and what makes a shareable and engaging video. Must have previous video editing experience.

Must be fluent in English
Must have previous video editing experience

If you are interested please send your cv or email me at:

Job Type: Full-time or Part-time
nëse ky njoftim prish Rregullat e Njoftimeve ose Shkëmbim i sigurtë


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