Publikuar: Nën 04 2024 11:06

Ps4 pro 1tb 6lojra 1 lev


Publikuar: Nën 04 11:06
Shikime: 17
Playstation 4 pro eshte ne gjendje perfekte, vjen me 6 lojra te cilat jane: The Crew 2, GTA V, Killzone Shadow Fall, Second Son, FIFA 19 dhe resident evil. Si njesia dhe leva jane ne gjendje shume te mire. Oferte perfekte. Per me shune info mund te kontaktonin ne whatsapp ne nunrin e tel +355698701053

Ps4 pro in perfect condition, it comes with 6 games :The Crew 2, GTA V, Killzone Shadow Fall, Second Son, FIFA 19 dhe resident evil. Both the console and the controller are in crisp condition. Its the perfect offer. For more info contact in whatsapp at this number +355698701053.
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