Publikuar: Mar 19 2024 03:22

Remote Senior Angular Developer

Publikuar: Mar 19 03:22
Shikime: 1
Roles & Responsibilities

Build: Iterate quickly and deliver results with speed.
Learn: Adapt and work across the technology stack, wearing different hats as needed.
Lead: Take full ownership of projects from start to finish, whether working individually or with additional resources.

Job Requirements

6+ years of experience working with Front-End Development, utilizing Angular or related technologie
Expertise in front-end development, particularly with Angular, RxJS and TypeScript/JavaScript to create exceptional user interfaces and user experiences.
You are an Expert in HTML, CSS and CSSS
Experience building out reusable component libraries, preferably around Material
Experience with state management libraries, ideally NGXS
Familiarity with Ionic and/or PWAs
Desire to work on your own REST APIs (Java / Kotlin / Spring Boot) or in other areas of the stack
Proficiency in working with relational databases, particularly PostgreSQL, encompassing schema design and query performance optimization.
Experience using version control solutions like BitBucket or GitHub.
A knack for iterating on solutions, effectively responding to change, proposing innovative approaches, and demonstrating a history of learning and applying emerging technologies.
The ability to develop software that aligns seamlessly with architectural requirements.
Leadership and/or mentorship experience, coupled with a passion for fostering a collaborative culture within the team.

Nice to have:

Back-end development skills, including proficiency in Java, Kotlin, or related technologies, to complement and enhance the overall software stack
Experience with technologies like GraphQL, Pub/Sub, Kafka, and bonus points for familiarity with Apache Camel.
Prior experience working within Google Cloud.
Demonstrated ability to design and architect straightforward solutions to complex problems.
Understanding and application of engineering best practices.
Proficiency in assisting cross-functional teams in defining robust, well-defined stories and delivering high-quality code.
Proficiency in unit and integration testing frameworks.

What We Offer

100% Remote Work, for candidates from Brazil
Paid Overtime as needed
Opportunity To Learn & Develop New Skills
An Open & Collaborative Work Environment
Generous Compensation based on Industry Standards + Benefits
Working Hours - 9am - 5pm EST
Apply Today & Join our international team of Top-Notch Developers!
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