Publikuar: Tet 30 2024 07:59

Renault Grand Scenic - 7 seats


Publikuar: Tet 30 07:59
Shikime: 79
Renault Grand Scenic - Diesel
 Imported from Belgium in October 2020 with 73, 000 km.
 Currently mileage at 129, 000 km.
 Albanian Plates (import du􀆟es were not due)
 Condi􀆟ons: Some scratches (see pictures)
 Large boot
 Personal fuel consump􀆟on 5.5l/100 km
 Possible to convert in a 7 seats car (seats integrated)
 Technical control valid un􀆟l September 25
 Available in December 2024.
Contact me on WhatsApp +32 486658662.
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