Publikuar: Korr 15 2022 04:03

Shtepi me qera ne lungomare vlore

Publikuar: Korr 15 04:03
Shikime: 1

Apartamenti ndodhet ne zonën me ekskluzive ne lungomare.Kati 4 banim me nje siperfaqe 73 m2.Eshte i organizuar ne 1 dhome gjumi, 1 sallon i perbashket me kuzhinen, 1 tualet dhe 1 ballkon me pamje ansore te detit .Per me shume informacion e per nje vizite ne prone mund te na kontaktoni. Apartamenti mund te jepet me qera,Ditor, prandaj telefononi per cdo lloj pyetje ne nr: 0695530440


APARTMENT FOR RENT IN VLORA NEAR LUNGOMARE The apartment is located in the most exclusive area in lungomare. 4th floor with 73 m2. It is organized in 1 bedroom, 1 living room with kitchen, 1 bathroom and 1 balcony with side view sea. For more information and for a visit to the property you can contact us. The apartment can be rented daily, so call for any questions at: 0695530440
nëse ky njoftim prish Rregullat e Njoftimeve ose Shkëmbim i sigurtë


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